Monday, August 25, 2008

Lets see you Move a Mountain Athiest!!!

If you have faith in God then you have faith in something... But if your faith rests in No God... then your faith rests in Nothing...

I am completely and totally in awe of the faith that athiests claim to have... in nothing. This world is so well put together and chance is so dissorderly...

You have me totally beat... I don't have near the faith in God that you have in his absence.

Personally think you are all lying... I dont think a true athiest really exists at all. I don't think it is possable. Thats my oppinion and my right to think that way... But for me it is easier to believe that your lying than to believe that you actually don't believe in a creator.

Imagine an entire life built on denial... isn't that the same thing you accuse christians of from time to time?

Imagine that you are the one in denial... from a very early age being taught to deny God exists and giving yourself reasons to go along with this line of thinking...

There are many things you want to do... and if God exists... well then those things are out of the question... But if God is a myth... then anything you want to do is a possability.

Morals and ethics are totally at your whim and human rights are the laughing matter over a Cuban cigar and tumbler of Brandy...

But if... If... God really does exist... then Hell also exists and is promised for you in the near future.

I often thought about what my life would be like... If I did not believe in God. I imagine that I would probably be dead allready... But if not dead... Then certainly both rich and corrupt as the day is long.

After all if there is no God then there is no basis for any of my personal objections on grounds of morals... I would be free to manipulate, corrupt, canive and basicaly make money in any way I pleased...

But if God exists then all of this is just firewood for the hell that awaits the man who pursues it.

How much faith do you really have...?
Faith in faulty reasoning?
Faith in so called science that just makes for more questions? (Thermo-dynamics, Planet rotation, Polonium Halos)
There is no end to the writing of Books... One "Expert" says this and another says that...
So what do you think... Athiest??? Christian??
Go ahead and speak your mind... (But Please do keep the language clean)

Alan Quasha
Alan Quasha

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